

Partner with Us, Reach the World and Leave a Legacy!

Hagee Ministries is dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission. We do this locally with the Sanctuary of Hope, medical and food distributions, and globally through our broadcast outreach, numerous humanitarian causes, and our unwavering support of Israel.

Thank you for your faithful support that allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. Because of you we can boldly proclaim the uncompromised truth of God’s Word to a world that is in desperate need of a Savior.

May God richly bless you for all that you do for His Kingdom!

Become a Legacy Partner Today!

Check the box to make your gift a repeating monthly donation. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and consistent support. You are making a difference today and leaving a legacy for future generations. To learn more about Legacy Partnership, visit

Make an Impact

Support one of our initiatives to spread the love of Christ across the world and into our local communities. 

Support Israel

As Christians, it is our duty to minister to the Jewish people in material things. “For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things,” Romans 15:27. Because of your generosity, we have been able to give over $130 million to medical and humanitarian causes in the state of Israel over the years. Will you partner with us to ensure that we are able to continue to stand with God’s chosen people? Together, we can keep Israel strong and its people safe.

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Hurricane Relief

Hagee Ministries is working alongside local partners in the affected areas to provide essential aid—food, shelter, and supplies—to those impacted by the storm.

Your generosity can make a lasting impact. Every donation helps families rebuild and find hope during this difficult time.

Sanctuary of Hope

At the Sanctuary of Hope, we believe in the sanctity of life. We don’t believe abortion is the answer, and you can be a part of providing a life-giving alternative for those with no other option. Your generosity will set a positive course for these young mothers and their unborn children, giving them the opportunity to discover God's greatest plan for their lives! Help her choose life.

Learn more about Sanctuary of Hope here.

Help Us Reach the World

Pastor Hagee's vision for Hagee Ministries was to take all the Gospel to all the world and to every generation. To accomplish this mission, we need to leverage all technologies in new and bold ways to reach a world that desperately needs the hope found in Jesus Christ. 
